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Teacher Wanika- My heart is at Jan Kriel

Teacher Wanika Jonker was also a learner at Jan Kriel School. She started her education in a mainstream school, but didn't fit in at all and was bullied for being 'different'. We spoke to her about her school career and how it feels to now return as a teacher!

“It is my greatest privilege to walk into my classroom every day and sow back into the lives of children who once felt exactly like me. I am proud to say I was a learner at Jan Kriel School. Educators who once sowed in me, I now call colleagues, even friends! You have to love what you do to be able to make a difference and I live out my passion every day, with an incredible amount of love! Yes, it is challenging at times, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. MY HEART IS WITH JAN KRIEL!”

Why did you come to Jan Kriel School 🤔

My school career at Jan Kriel School began in Grade 4. I started in the Bear Class with a remarkable educator, Teacher Marina Conradie. I was referred to Jan Kriel School because I struggled a lot in mainstream. I didn’t fit in at all and was bullied daily because I was seen as “different”. I was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. It was very difficult for me to fit in and be happy in a mainstream school. Educators didn’t understand me and at times I felt lost and very alone. There wasn’t a break that went by that I wasn’t sitting alone, outside or in the bathroom. My younger brother was with me in school and I would run to him during breaks for a sense of safety. The moment I started at Jan Kriel School, my WHOLE LIFE CHANGED . . . Teacher Marina was one incredible educator who looked after all my needs. I felt accepted, understood and was able to make friends – something I never had before. My self-esteem and confidence improved immediately.

Tell us a bit about your time at Jan Kriel 🤪

My school years were the best time of my life! I thoroughly enjoyed every single moment. My favorite subjects were Afrikaans with Miss Prinsloo, English First Additional Language with Miss Debmarie Simons, Tourism with Mr. Jaco Snyder and Visual Art with Miss Makkie Schoeman.  

A highlight was certainly sport! I played netball and participated in athletics. Teacher Xiomara Kotze played a big role in cultivating my love for sport. As we know, Miss Xiomara is SPORTS! 😊 We used to joke that no matter where your starting point is on the Coetzenburg course, all you hear is Miss Xiomara, no one else! (note, then she sits on the stadium . . . ). Tours with my friends and educators cultivated a great passion for sport in me. That's why sport is such a big part of my life - there you make friends, get to know each other better, talk to people you wouldn't easily talk to otherwise and work together as a team.

Jan Kriel taught me to believe in myself and work hard for what I want to achieve in life. I was Head girl, Prefect and Chairman of the VRL in the High School. Another highlight of my school career was the privilege of representing my school as Headmistress at the London Wine Auction. I gave a speech. It was an incredible privilege and experience. Even far across the waters, people had a love for our school!

Why did you study education 🤔 

I always knew I wanted to make a difference in other people's lives. I did not have it easy financially and did a lot of extra work to be able to afford my studies. There were times when there was no money, not even for basic needs.

I would like to single out a few educators because they saw my passion for education and acted as mentors for me: Teacher Marina Conradie, Teacher Elnette van Eeden, Anika Keet and Teacher Mariëtte Acker. They always say "it takes a village to raise a child". That's exactly what the people did for me. I received a call from Dr. Lidia van Vuuren, then Psychologist at Jan Kriel School, who offered me a job opportunity as a Facilitator at Jan Kriel. This is where my career in education began. I had the privilege of working myself up at Jan Kriel School. I was a Facilitator for an autistic boy in Grade 3, Head of Aftercare and then a Class assistant in the Intermediate Phase (IP). I was able to complete my B.Ed. degree in Education through UNISA with incredible knowledge of special education. I qualified for a scholarship and completed my studies.  I got a job as the LOGO Educator in IP and not long after found my feet as an Educator in my current Grade 4 position. This is one of my greatest achievements in my life because I have experienced many challenges in my personal life. I never thought I would receive the Principal's Award. One thing I've learned is that everyone has a "story" and life doesn't owe you anything. What will set you apart from the rest is how you choose to face your challenges and not use your shortcomings as excuses. My subjects I focused on in my studies were: Mathematics, Languages, Art, Physical Sport and Psychology.

Why Jan Kriel 🤗 

From day one, I knew deep in my heart that there was no other school where I wanted to teach, except Jan Kriel. Today I call people friends who were once colleagues in my life! It is the greatest privilege for me to walk into my class every day and sow into the lives of children who once upon a time felt exactly the same as I did. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing the difference we make every day. I am proud to be able to say that I was a learner of Jan Kriel and now an educator. I live my passion daily with ease and so much love. Yes, it is challenging at times but I wouldn't trade it for anything.  My heart is with Jan Kriel - I can honestly say that I am at my happiest!

What motivates you 😊

What makes my day special are my children! The notes, flowers or even just a hug, a thank you message from a parent or guardian. This is something I cherish deep in my heart. I live by "love first, then teach." You have to love what you do to make a difference. My favorite subjects to teach are Social Science, Natural Science and Physical Education. Physical exercises of course, because I love sports myself and here at Jan Kriel we are truly blessed with the most beautiful grounds to make use of. This is where you get to know your children better "outside the classroom".

Looking back ❤ 

Jan Kriel is known for its pioneering work! The school has changed so much and it's amazing to be part of the team. We are privileged with our two venues in IP – LOGO center (Learn Support Growth Develop) where all our Formal Assessments Accommodation takes place. It was a privilege for me to work there for a while and manage LOGO. I again learned many new techniques and met people. In the MTN smart lab, which is equipped with some of the best technology to help learners, our children learn incredible computer techniques. We are regularly trained.  

Jan Kriel has some of the best staff you can find. We are privileged to be able to learn together and share a passion for what we do. Each one complements each other so beautifully.






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